Monday, November 9, 2009

Yes this actually happens in my brain.

Ok, so today I had the strangest daydream. Yes I said daydream, I was conscious and coherent for this, which to me is even weirder than having a strange dream. I was in the kitchen making myself a cup of coffee, and My girlfriend was in the living room watching Beverly Hills 90210. The show came back from commercial break to some sad scene, and the song "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLachlan (I had to look that up) was playing.

When songs that are unpleasing to me come clawing into my ears my brain reacts with a defense mechanism. That mechanism is to change the lyrics of the songs so they still follow the melody, but but send a completely different message.

As soon as my brain changed the third word in the song from remember to dismember, a music video played in my head. The title of this video I have dubbed "Dueling Psycho Killers Break into Song". It starts out in an abandoned slaughter house. Two very creepy looking guys with disfigured faces stand about 15 feet apart facing each other. A few blood covered women hanging from meat hooks are back against the wall. The music starts, in the same crappy tone as the actual song, and one of the men starts singing "I will dismember yoooou! (and the women on hooks sing backup "Da da da nda nda" The man again "Will you dismember meeee?" and again the women "Da da da ndaaa nda". Cut over to the other man who holds up a knife and sings "I'll make this kniiiife go through your eeeeye, I'll weep not fooor the man with bad kneees".

At this point I shook my head and came back to reality. I thought to myself. What the hell was that? Then went back to my coffee. If Miss McLachlan's song is playing in your head right now, this might actually be somewhat funny to you. If you can't hear it, then I probably sound like a lunatic who nees an inside helmet.

I leave such judgements up to the reader. I'm just happy to have a medium available to let the crap out of my head once in a while.

P.S. You should hear the lyrics my brain came up with for Creed's "Overcome". I may post them at some point.

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